Saturday, 5 July 2008

Where to now?

Hi guys, just wanted to get your opinion on something. I'm not sure where to focus on with GW. I' d love to get the kind of a big deal title and I guess the quickest way (not that it is quick at all) is through skill capping. But when that gets boring, what then? Explore other characters and builds? What do you think?


CP said...

i think it depends on how far along you are in Skill Capping? I was only 60 of 140 when i went for nightfall. If you have the money to buy the caps then it is alot quicker...if you dont have any savings then as i showed you guys t gets very boring having to famr gold and sell everything in your Storage to get caps, until your guild helps you out.
You are best off chosing one things and going for it, dont change charecters at all...keep plugging with Maisa.....if skill cappingwill be the best option then go for doesnt take long in the scheme of things...either that or scrape nightfall? lol.
PS if you need help with capping let me know, maybe we could spend some time helping you with the hard ones, and let you do the easy ones your self....if you have a few prophesies caps already then do that first it is only 90 and i guess oyu may already be around half way there.

AndrewWrites said...

I pretty much agree with Caine. I think skill capping is great, as you can probably tell!

If you have the bucks its not really that hard, the only thing is that unlike with the cartography title you either get it or you don't. I guess what I'm saying is that with the cartographer title you get a title for 60%, then 70% then 80% and so on, so you feel like you are knocking it over.

So, my advice is get a piece of paper and write down all the skills you have to get and then just start marking them off. It's also good to do them in groups. All the Ranger skills, then all the Monk skills, then just knock them over one at a time. You need to keep a track and cross off the skills as you get them. That way you feel like you are getting somewhere and also you don't have to keep checking.

Also, remember that sometimes there are double ups and you can get 2 skills in one go, so always read wiki articles right to the end.

AndrewWrites said...

Oh...and I always leave the hard ones and get someone to help me. I think most of you guys have capped a couple of skills with me just because I couldn't get them by myself.

Anytime you need a hand we can do a couple on Tuesday night. Like I said, they really don't take that long.

snuph said...


let me start by saying that i agree with caine, in that stickingwith maisa is a good idea. I have toyed with the idea of having a 2nd on the go, but its just a hard slog to get anywhere.

i think skill capping is probably a good move. i havent gonedown that roadyet, but realistically, its probably my next move. i find prophecies quite intimidating to tackle, because it can take many attempts just to have the boss spawn...

gold? well... why dont you finda couple of farms - maybe the LB/SS one copland and i do, and use that to get gold. you're getting somewhere else at the same time - alternatively you could do one of the EotN areas once a week and crank away at one of those titles.

personally - i've got a fair way just doing the whole allegiance thing - im getting close to lightbringer, sunspear already down... then maybe on to asura?? its a slog... but what isnt?

lastly - on april 19 2007 i posted this
its a checklis you can print out to help with skill capping.

at least we know you can have a new title
"people respond to my posts"

snuph said...

i'm a lso impressed with your 3 line post that gets massive comments

its a gift man