Monday, 28 July 2008

computer problems

so... my computer is a bit of a disaster at the moment... it comes up with a message every now and then saying that the video card isnt working, and worse than that, will only boot when i have my windows disc in. After reloading windows, its still not fixed... so i'm going to have to go without it for a while.

my plan??
i'll try to get thru this week, and then take it back in, cause i'm away at SU state conference next week - i doubt that they'll fix it in less than 2 weeks (big waiting list) but hopefully get it done ASAP.
we'll see

so whats the go for tomorrow night?


Michael said...

have you tried downloading the latest drivers for your video card? go to, find your video card brand and install the latest drivers. otherwise dont you have a desk top computer and a laptop?

Im up for continuing EOTN tomorrow.

snuph said...

its a hard drive problem
my laptop will be massively slow, but we'll go there in 2 weeks if i dont have my desktop back.

CP said...

just use you laptop, if it is too slow on the night then thats cool we understand if you have to drop out tonight. Man it would be good if you could join us...soo....i would ask you try and find a way to get the laptop working if you can, one night of slow computer wont kill us. Anyway its up to you.

snuph said...

i think you missed my initial point

i'm going to play on my proper computer tonight and take it into the shop wed/thur...

im out next week - at su conference

see you round 920