Sunday 14 October 2012

A few things to keep track of

Today I hit level 70.

Here's the build I've been using almost all of the time.

1-5 rifle 10-20% of the time. Mainly for just me vs just one other thing.
6 Elixer H - I just prefer the simple self heal. I can also throw it with my toolbelt skill for a little help to others.
7 - Elixer Gun - probably 30-40% of the time. Good to help others out - if there are 2 or more players near me, this is my default - I have 3 buff options and some good damage over time. I also get a nice self heal.
8 - Flamethrower - over 50% of the time. Great for area of effect, a bit of support (firewall) and control with a push back and a blind (doesn't work so well on bosses though). The icing on the cake is the toolbelt skill, which lets me cause burning with my next three attacks - combine that with the number 1 skill on the E-Gun (tranquilizer dart) and I throw 3 conditions out at once. I'm also running some traits that help out when I'm using the FT, but I'll talk about that some other time maybe.
9 - Elixer B, i love you... it makes me faster, mightier and altogether more awesome. And I can spread the awesome around too...
10 - Supply Crate - It's just a big bundle of BAM! I've only found a couple of situations where other elites are better. Also have the traits set to make this even bigger!

Oh and here's my look. I change the colour of my shirt regularly. Will probably be losing this look soon as I level out of it. I'm standing in the swamp in Mount Maelstrom for this pic.

Monday 17 September 2012

my first cultural armor

I figure I'm a plant... I can be bright if I want to...

Monday 10 September 2012

a new look?

I was getting a little sick of looking just like everyone else. So, what’s the solution?

if you have any transmutation stones it’s quite easy – get some armor that’s your level, get some armor that you like the look over – combine the 2 – the look of one, the stats of the other.

If you use the trading post, just filter to look only at coats, or boots, or whatever – you can then right click on the item for a preview. I bought 3 different coats using this method. Probably go for boots or gloves next…   I have some really interesting looks that aren’t the stock standard starter gear.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Project Purple

Today I decided that I want to unlock every dye available in the game on my Engineer. So I thought I might start with a colour rang, max it out, and move on to the next. So far I have 36 of the 53 available purple options. 

Basically, I'm putting in offers on the trading post as opposed to buying the pre-listed ones. I guess I'm saving around 50 bronze on the commons, a silver or so on the uncommon and sometimes 7 or 8 silvers on the rares. If something is crazy expensive, I'm just leaving it for now.

Here's my progress and a bit of a combo I threw together.

Friday 7 September 2012

new things at level 30

Here's my new threads I picked up from the trading post, complete with some of the dye I've "acquired"along the way.

And at level 30 I also got my first elite skill last night - supply crate. Lots of fun.

I think I'll keep using Arienwyn when you guys aren't on for a while, and save Adara (my guardian) for our group stuff (probably). 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

the vista sista

For those of you who havent had a crack at guild wars 2 yet (or only played in the first public beta), there's a new type of task - vistas. Basically, they highlight the awesome scenery throughout Tyria. Some of them are quite difficult, especially for a jumping and movement noob like me. Today I finished all the tasks including the vistas (with the help of Dolyakians - Ben and Sam).

Sam and I having a dance to celebrate a vista completion (in Kraitbane Haven)

vistas make me happy!!

Oh and it is a assumed that we shall now have a new competition to see who can make the most creative joke with the words "windows vista" in it.

Friday 17 June 2011

Bam! Its taken care of!

Looks like TexMod saved my life!
a few solid hours and Bam! I am done.

Thursday 12 May 2011

a new title

Don't think i'll max this bad boy out (about 10% of the way there), but still thought this was an achievement worth mentioning

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Playing GW2 together well... some thoughts...

So, Yes I've been thinking a fair bit about GW2, looking into a few bits and pieces, and have come up with an idea that i think will make the sweetest plan for playing together.

Just a few pieces of knowledge to throw out there to help piece it all together.

1 - Everyone gets their own personal story. This is completed by the individual and is varied by race, profession, character creation choices and other choices in game (some that branch far from each other). You can however, have others come help you on your personal story.

2 - no matter what race you are you can travel to the four other capitals after completing the tutorial.

The idea I have is that we each pick a character that we will use only for use with the guild. This may be any race or class, but it may be an idea to coordinate this, so we dont have 3 rangers or something. If these are all different races and classes it would add to an interesting experience.

The other advantage of taking this approach would be that we can each take turns to do some of our story. If I'm away one week, you guys progress and help me out a bit more the following week. If Mick needs to crash out, but others are keen to keep playing, we can - just focus on someone else's story.
If we wanted to just play when the 4 of us are on, then we could always crack out other characters when we only have 2 or 3 and do whatever...

anyways... just some ideas...

Friday 11 March 2011

return to pre-searing

simply put
defender of ascalon can now be obtained in simpler way - still takes ages, but quests can now help you get there
so i have made a new pre-searing character
anyone wish to join me?

Monday 21 February 2011

WRONG... start again

so, it turns out that i just make stuff up, or imagine it, or something...

here's false info i know i've told one or all of you guys
1 - you can't lock in on a target (C space)
not true... the only change is that area of effect skills need to be seperately targeted with the mouse

2 - you don't meet with other races til level 30ish
around level 30, all storylines merge at lions arch (or something like that)
i was reading this which shows that you can travel via an asura gate to any capital... once you've done the tutorial...

so... we can all be whatever race we want, i think... we'll know closer to launch... I dont mind all being different races... then we can help each other with personal story stuff (probably) and experience 4 races at once in a way... up to everyone else really...
i'd be happy to play anything but Charr with you guys i think - its the one i'm least interested in to start. My preference order is probably Sylvari, Asura, Norn, Human, Charr...
I think I'd like to be a ragtag group of 4 separate races... i am happy to go with majority on this one though... what do you guys think??

Friday 11 February 2011

the minuses

2 things about GW2 that i'm not entirely enthralled about... they have their pluses, but i'm not so sure i love em

1 - Farewell to Talyorca and the Moral Boost
Because everything in GW2 contains both text and audio there will no longer be the beautiful moments where we laugh at mick for mispronouncing something. Just to hear some audio this week than talked about Ebonhawk (a town), i would have pronounced it differently... This isnt the big one, but its worth mentioning.

2 - Hey! Check out that Ele... I mean Necro... I mean Mesmer...
In GW2 there are only 3 categories of armor - scholar, adventurer and soldier. So a Warrior and a Guardian can look identical (maybe different facial/body features) in what they wear. I really liked being able to see someone coming and know straight up what class it was. Especially with a persistent world i want to be able to know straight away who im fighting with. I guess i'll work it out quickly by the gun, or the shadow step or the minions... but still...

Well there you have it.
I think they are going for flexibility with the armor, and really the audio thing is quite amazing... but i thought i'd mention em...

Monday 7 February 2011

rethinking the human option

today i was a smidge bored and was looking at stuff on gw2guru
the interesting thing is that humans are not predicted to be the least popular race
check this and this out

Charr are considered to be badass and are therefore becoming very popular. Asura, Norn and Sylvari all seem slightly less desired. Maybe we shouldnt start with humans, but go for a norn start (or something)...

the beauty of the way that game is laid out, is that it wont be boring to go thru again with a different race, as the first 30 levels or so are unique... (man its huge)

i already have a human and sylari in mind, but i'm happy to go with whatever you think... i personally think Norn is something we are all somewhat keen on... maybe would be a good start.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Totally different idea!!

Just had a totally different idea...

first the assumption...
we're happy with how many HoM points we have

if that's true...
i was thinking about what the biggest let down, or regret i've had in GW is... i think for many of us, Factions would have to be up there. So... my idea... start brand new characters in factions and work thru the game from go to woe... being thorough (maybe) and playing a class you havent perfected...
i know, we tried doing this in nightfall, but its an idea... i was thinking of finally playing ritualist successfully, or maybe monk again... not sure... just a thought... may have to go into EotN or NF as soon as we can and get some extra heroes though (Ele, warrior, monk?)
