Friday, 18 July 2008

The test of time

After 18 months and now 300 posts our guild is still going strong. I was flicking through some old posts today - particularly looking at our (H) menus - and how we were going with titles - last september. We've all plodded along nicely from there, thats for sure...

I have bought a domain name for and well, i can move all of this over if we want to go that way. If not, I've wasted $8 and wont renew it next year. One of the things i can do is clean up the categories and create some tags - so a post like my last one would be under the category "Title's" and maybe have tags like Lightbringer, farming, Xyla Nu... or whatever... So you have 2 ways of searching the blog. We can also add other pages whenever we like, and have other stuff on there too...

I dont have stacks of time right now, but reckon it could be somehing i could pull together over the next few months...

anyways, congrats Noobz - 300 posts!


CP said...

One thing that has not stood the test of itme is your primary school maths, according to my calculation your post was number 290 and mine makes it 291. Oh well...i never liked MR Sork yeah it has been a long haul but a good one i guess....many hours of my life i will never get back.

CP said...

i take that back i only commented and did not actually make a post so we are on 290 stil.

AndrewWrites said...

Oh... bad maths? Perhaps I will save my 'Hoorays' for the appropriate time then.

snuph said...

the dashboard says 300 posts...?

snuph said...

oh... yes you're right
mr merlin, is a fan of drafts?

can you guys actually respond to my question, and not the innacuracies in the post!!!