2 years ago a young ranger set out into the world of Ascalon. Looking only to impress a few of the weirdly attractive village girls with his 'arrow' skills, he soon found himself swept into a great war, one that would decimate his homeland.
Over time, he discovered various skills, made new friends (and enemies) and explored lands far far away.
But a desire to discover all he could about his home continent soon led to this young but wisened ranger learning a mysterious technique known to the grand masters as 'scraping'.
Destiny waits for no man. Over time, many discoveries were made in the 'thrill of the chase', while others dared to question whether such a task was worthy of such a great ranger.
Eventually those who would sit in the seat of mockers were made to reflect on the motivation behind their scoffing as this now mighty ranger was inducted into an exclusive club where each member was given the ancient yet powerful title of:
Tyrian Grand Master Cartographer
Not even the threat of shrinkage could stop this ranger throwing off the gear and cheering. Maisa Trueshot truly was on top of the world.
Seriously mate...well done! Now THAT is a TITLE right there...you put in the hard yards and its paid off. Part of me has a new found respect for you (the other part hates your guts!).
Congrats again!
awesome...dead set awesome!
"i know crown theee Dr Maisa Trueshot PHD in GW map exploring"
Good stufff...i feel sad for myself.
i humbly bow at your throne
now, only if there were titles for grand master mispronounciator, most pedantic tyrian and hater of cockroaches - then you'd already have that "kind of a big deal"
but seriously man, it takes a special kind of guy to stick with it... congrats
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