Saturday, 25 August 2007

come on people!

after reading some of the latest posts by someone in particular i have to crack it!

we now have 45 categories listed in our blog.
i was trying to reduce these to make it functional, and relevant
if i'm the only one that cares about functionality, then oh well, we'll keep the ridiculous list
do we really need...

festival of lyss - could this go under "missions"
moddock crevice - could this go under "missions"
monday or tuesday - could this go under "general"
pathfinder - could this go under "explorer status"
plans and team priorities could be the same thing?
random thoughts - could this go under "general"
skill capping - could this go under "skills" and/or "session reports"
superstitions - could this go under "general"
swopsies - could this go under "this week I want to..."
Title and titles - come on people, check before you post
yohlon haven - could this go under "towns and outposts"
winner - could this go under "competitions"
going to the toilet - could this go under "copland is a tool"

now... let me say, that i like to have things neat and funtional.
and... i dont mind cleaning it up - again.
and... i will (if you want) but dont be absolute far keds and with your next posts add 8 labels that are all stupid (you know who you are)
I've taken the time to post this, cause the messiness bugs me...

also.. last question - copland, would you like me to clean up your pics that you post that wont crop properly on your computer, or are you happy how they are

thankyou all...


snuph said...

make that 46
i just added "mini-games" as I thought this would be able to cover everything from rollerbeetle, to the snow fights, to the new games in GW:EN.

snuph said...

ok... i did a little "fusing" and have come up with a list of 29... some are just culled, others join together (like cape, which night, guild hall - all go into guild)

you happy with me just changing it it what?

also... i thought we could have one more to do with allegiance titles - lightbringer, sunspear, the 4 in EN and luxon/kurzick... not sure if you want this in, or just keep it to titles