Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Name change?

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

Ian and I were discussing the possibility of a guild name change. Our original plan to have our names tie in with our guild name has fallen by the wayside...and perhaps it was a little too restrictive. So, I am proposing a name change. If we change before we buy our guild hall it won't cost us much.

Your thoughts?

Something a bit more general and inclusive, that doesn't rely on us sticking to any one theme would be good.

Ian has suggested "The Mispronuciators" (did I get that right, Ian?). My tastes are a little more about something like "The Fighting Hellfish" (Grandpa Simpson's company in the Vietnam War).

I feel like some guild titles are a bit too restrictive...for example..

The Moody Blues (everyone dyes their armor blue)
King and Country (everyone has 'Sir' in their name)
Fishers of Men (everyone in the guild is a Christian - this is a real guild!)
Ranger Danger (all the characters are rangers - also a real guild)
Geek/Nerd Wars (this is what Sally call us, thanks Sal!)

Hey, do you think there's a character called Osama Bin Laden already? I wonder...

1 comment:

snuph said...

i think the mispronounciators (or however you spell it) would be perfect for us...

I dont mind if you wanna keep it the same - i just think before we buy a hall we can do it for pretty cheap - once we get a hall - we're locked in!