When I was in high school I used to walk home everyday with a guy from my year named Mark Phillips. In year 8 we both started smoking. We would smoke Camel unfiltered cigarettes and drink Pepsi, those one litre plastic bottles with the extra wide mouth (whatever happened to them??).
Anyway, by the time we were in year eleven I had pretty much quit smoking, but Mark was a full blown druggie, smoking all sorts of crap and doing other more serious drugs as well.
We started our journey into drugs together, walking home each day, cutting through the back alleys...but somewhere along the line, we took different paths.
As I think about the Tyrian Cartographer Title, I get the same feeling as I did in year eleven about Mark Phillips. Michael and I started out together, clearing out some map here and there, scanning bigger maps for extra spots, even running missions just for the thrill of that extra few percentage points.
But now I fear that we have parted ways, that something bigger has taken hold of Michael, and the Michael I once knew, the Michael who's biggest dream was to get 60%...well, that Michael is gone.
Hey man (sniff) I can quit whenever I (sniff) want ok?! So just back off or I'll rip your head off and defecate down your throat! Now, can you lend me 20 bucks?
that was just beautiful man..
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