Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Weapons Set for Cim Spleenstaker

Playing recently I came across a Warrior who kept swapping weapons throughout the mission. Sometimes he used a hammer, and the other times I saw his use a sword and even a bow. I asked him about it and he explained the whole 'right tool for the right job' principle.
While I probably won't think about my weapons as much as this guy did, I have taken some of his advice, and so, proudly present - Cim Spleenstaker, with a full compliment of weapons. They are all gold weapons, except for my main axe and shield, which are both green.
I guess most of my builds are 'weapon specific' I can still swap them around a little. For example, I can easily jump from a axe/shield to a bow if the enemy is behind a wall or up in a tower.
Looking forward to taking these puppies for a spin...

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