Sunday, 27 May 2007

Disrupting skills

The bonus to Dragon's Lair is a real bus-turd. It's so annoying to work your way through all 6 bosses, only to get SMACKED at the end. I need to check out some good interrupt skills. Now that I can change my secondary fairly easily, what is a good interrupt skill (besides distracting shot which i have but never seems to work)???


snuph said...

2 more tnager one that look ok are concussion shot and savage shot (but that works best on winnie cooper).

PArt of my mesmerness is being a big fan of interupts!
In my monk builds (for heroes) I often keep leech signet and power drain. The ones I mainly use for syla are domination - first choice is power spike, then power leak or cry of frustration. The other things I'm going to take along when trying to get the bonus are arcane conundrum and migraine, which both lead to spells taking longer to cast, and therefore, make the spells easier to interupt.

The other thing you should look at getting for the bonus is some hex removal. Maybe both your monk heroes with hex removal would help? Also... take little tom, not stefan. Little tom has an interupt skill, stefan does not...

Hope this helps!
I think I'm going to try it again today now... you've inspitred me...

snuph said...

one more thing i realised.

rangeri nterupts work better with shortbows. i'm sure you could find a list of the best bows for interupting somewhere on wiki.