Monday, 26 May 2008

hero update

so... i now have all 25 heroes (yay!)
i'm on a bit of a mission to create 1 or 2 (or more) builds for each of them - with runes etc.

tonight i completed
dunkoro - healing
tahlkora - protection
ogden - smiter

sousuke - water
zhed - air
vekk - earth

master - curses
olias - healing
livia - minion master

i may give olias a blood magic superior rune for a couple more options?
i chose not to have a fire ele for several reasons - 1 - you all have good fire eles. 2 - i can basically be a fire ele. 3 - the henchie is decent, 4 - you can always find a fire ele, the others are a little more elusive at times.

9 down 16 to go

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

I noticed you don't have a Spiteful Spirit necro build.

Is that becuase they are the same as fire eles (all over the place) or is Spiteful Spirit covered in your 'curses' build?

Just wondering.

I like the idea. I really want to get in and clean my builds up. I have saved builds that I never use, and some that don't even have elites in them from when I just started. I'd like to have a few basic warrior builds (at least 2 for each weapon set, plus 2 non-specific builds). Added to this I'd like to have each of my heroes set up with their 'thing'... if you get me. So Dunkoro is my healer, and Tahlkora is my protection, Olias is Spiteful Spirit and Master of Whispers is Minion Master. Sort of like what you are doing but on a smaller scale. Maybe I will work on it a bit tonight while we are stuffing around.

Wow... long comment. I should have just made it a post...