Wednesday, 28 May 2008

armor suggestions

heres my suggestions for elite armor for you guys. I'm keen to help you all get some if you're keen. can probably chip in some bucks too.

mick - maisa trueshot
ancient (from nightfall)asuran (eye of the north - level 5 asura title needed)caine - zahran gammel
norn - (eye of the north - level 5 norn title needed)
primeval - (nightfall)copland - the stamp
silver eagle (eye of the north - level 5 deldrimor needed)or elite sunspear (nightfall)
there are some cool factions ones too, but i liked these. the prophecies ones are funny with their insignias and stuff - note sure, but have a look anyways
ranger armor link
warrior armor link


snuph said...

others i like for warriors are obsidian, luxon and ancient
for rangers - druid, kurzick and primeval
look at the links to armor pages in the post to see em all

AndrewWrites said...

So, I think I have been inspired to try for some elite armor. Not sure which ones I like yet but all the Eye of the North ones look cool.

So, here's the plan...

For the next little while I will focus on 2 things - finishing* Cantha and maxing out my Sunspear title. Currently I am at about 20,000 Sunspear points leaving me with a rather daunting 30,000 to go. The good thing about maxing out the Sunspear title is that there is quite a lot of gold to be had (about 800g each run). This gold will then go towards buying my elite armor. So, that's my plan for the next little while.

What are you Noobz up to?

*'Finishing' according to the Andrew Copland GW Guide is:
1. Completing all missions at the highest level
2. Capping all the elite skills in that campaign
3. Acheiving 95%+ in the Cartographer title