Thursday, 8 March 2007

Game Plan: Tuesday March 13

Thoughts for next week? If you want to just edit this post and say its you, thats fine, or you can comment.

I would prefer to just get on with the missions, but I'm flexible enough to do whatever you guys want. If you want to take the time to claer out everything and be completists, thats ok. I do agree with you Copland in saying that we probably wont get back to stuff if we dont do it now. Well, we probably wont get back to it until the game is over anyways.

So we have 3 options.
1 - Just focus on main storyline missions
2 - Get to level 20, then just focus on storyline missions
3 - Finish everything off in an area before we move on. So, we start with Istan, then Kourna, Vabbi, the Desolation, then end game (domain of anguish).
The only thing about approach 3 will be the length of time it will take us to get heroes. We only get 2 in Kourna - Zhed (my elementalist) and Margrid the Sly (mick's ranger). It is a fair chunk of game time anyway til you get the last 3 (Norgu, Goren and Morghan).

Also, 2 other key game elements come into it. The first one, when we get to Kourna is skill capping. The 2nd really doesnt come into play till Vabbi (but can be done with alot of time wastingly hard work in Kourna) which is Lightbringer points(which makes it easier to beat some of the baddies - margonites in particular).

So, I guess we have 3 choices for now, and then can decide between the other 2 later.
There is one more possible game priority, which is farming faction, but we'll talk about that later.


AndrewWrites said...

I vote for option 2 or 3.

snuph said...

i say we start tuesday with the mission. all 16s and rdy to go!