Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Dr Harry, is that you?

Possible Pets to charge around with... (I've only listed the one's available in Nightfall)

Warthog - yeah right...
Flamingo - ok we're all over these poofy pink birds, I know...Crocodile - we can pick up one of these bad boys in the lahtenda bog (western area). Probably be there next week or the week after.Lioness or a Lion - In Kourna. Be a few weeks still before we get there.Jahai Rat - Not til Vabbi (ages yet)Hyena - in the desolation (toward the end of the game)
So, I guess it comes down to what looks cool. I have to say that charging round with a Hyena would be awesome, but it will take ages to get there. They are only level 5, and therefore would take ages to level up. I think pretty much all the pets from croc up have their appeal. The rats are funky!
Up to you guys. I probably wont get any, as my builds for my heros will demand secondaries being utilised, maybe my paragon??? No dramas.

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

The first pet we come across that is not a flamingo...I'm taking it.

Done and done..and I mean done!