here's false info i know i've told one or all of you guys
1 - you can't lock in on a target (C space)
not true... the only change is that area of effect skills need to be seperately targeted with the mouse
2 - you don't meet with other races til level 30ish
around level 30, all storylines merge at lions arch (or something like that)
i was reading this which shows that you can travel via an asura gate to any capital... once you've done the tutorial...
so... we can all be whatever race we want, i think... we'll know closer to launch... I dont mind all being different races... then we can help each other with personal story stuff (probably) and experience 4 races at once in a way... up to everyone else really...
i'd be happy to play anything but Charr with you guys i think - its the one i'm least interested in to start. My preference order is probably Sylvari, Asura, Norn, Human, Charr...
I think I'd like to be a ragtag group of 4 separate races... i am happy to go with majority on this one though... what do you guys think??
1 comment:
so i worked out how i got confused about the attacks... there is no auto attack - its all skills. you can right click on a skill which will make it auto fire every time it is recharged (i think).
There's also a couple of cool different skills. A heal i saw was a hold down skill, so it kept healing you whilst you held it down (at a certain amount per second).
Another type of hold down skill made the skill more powerful the longer you held it down, so with a bit smash with a hammer you could make it huge but it may take you 4 seconds to get it off (and who knows about possible interrupts).
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