Thursday, 20 January 2011

Putting the RP back in MMORPG

Whilst it's a little long, please stick with me and read this, as there's an important question at the end.

One of the exciting things about guild wars 2 is the renewed focus on the role playing aspect within the game. Whilst, compared to many other games like WoW, GW1 wasnt too bad in this area, GW2 is going to really focus on it.

It all starts from the beginning when we're asked a number of questions. If you dont care, you can just make it random and move on, but if you do you can shape your story the way you like. For a human you are first asked about social class. You can choose to be noble, a commoner or a street rat. Then we will be asked about our biggest regret - the options being a dead sister, growing up never knowing your parents or never joining the circus. There may be other options or questions added down the line. You are also asked some questions they are calling "racial sympathy questions", which show whether you like, hate or are indifferent about other races such as hyleks, grawl etc.

The next bit is really to do with personality. you get to divide 100% of your personality between charm, dignity and ferocity. This apparently even changes appearance slightly. As the game goes on, these points change depending on the decisions you make. They are really pushing the story - you save a village and they'll remember you, people will show up in your home base (like HoM but your home) and thank you, or give you stuff??? who knows where they'll take it...

So... one thing I was wondering about is how much you guys care about this stuff. I was looking at starting another blog to be about the story of my character(s). So, I would write as if it's a journal of their journey through gw2. Before I pick a name for the blog, I wanted to know if any of you were interested in doing this too - then we could use the same site. I'll probably just do it with one character.

Please dont put shit on me if you dont like the idea, or slam me about thinking about gw2 too much. I'm over it. Just a simple, no thanks will suffice. Thanks


CP said...

First, i don't recall the last time i put crap on you for GW2 Addiction, so i dont think i will start now.
Two, i do care about this potential game changer, i am not sure if i would have enough dedication to blog about my characters journeys each day or so.

snuph said...

yeah i probably wasnt referring to you mate... no worries...