Monday, 30 August 2010

more thoughts... (plans?)

so I've been wondering... Will all races be able to choose all professions?
I just cant imagine a little asura wielding a massive hammer... i imagine they will be able to, but i really imagine that certain races will suit certain profs better.

There are somethings about Asura that suit me...
The asura arrived on the surface world not so much as refugees as settlers confident in their intellectual and magical superiority over every race they encountered.
ie. they are arrogant about magic...
but then I can see how being an Asura might suit Copland
Clagg was seated comfortably in a harness fixed to the front of his golem, the creature a masterpiece of polished and painted stone and fitted bands of bronze
As, no matter what class you choose, you can be involved in melee by riding your golem?
(quotes from the ghosts of ascalon)

I think most races fit well with Rangers, except maybe Asura. Certainly Norn and Sylvari anyways as they both have the whole "connection with the earth" thing going on.

I can see Warriors working nicely obviously for Norn (a 9 foot bloke with a 2-handed sword - shit! I'm running the other way) and Charr (a crazy beast in armor).

I've also had a random idea for a guild name and concept.
The concept is - we all make a human character to play together with (that shares a particular attribute). And then we can have other characters as well, but we've still got these other ones.
The guild would be called "The Bearded Few"
I just think it sounds cool... I do still like NWA, and know how much too-ing and fro-ing it took to get to that.

I've been wondering... do we just focus on one character to start with, or go racing in with several...
In the comments of this post - put up your 4 main characters (or less) and how many hours you have given to each (/age) that may answer the question as to whether several characters will work for all of us...


snuph said...

Listing all my lvl 20s

Total hours 1,155
Xyla (mesmer) - 652
Zaz (ele) - 166
Kijup (paragon)- 98
Zawadi (Dervish - team only) - 48
Cim Heartcaller (Monk - team only)- 42
Vispahni (Ranger) - 24

(these figures add up to 1030 - so there's a little over 100 hours worth of fluffing around - i think theres a couple of warriors, a ritualist, an assasin, a couple of necros, another monk, some pvp...)

makes it pretty clear that I've focused on 1 character very heavily... but zaz and kijup arent exactly noobs. or maybe they are...

i think the dynamics of having 80 levels now, will make it a bit different. i strongly boubt that i will get more than 2 or 3 level 80s!!
who knows...?
so... show us your hours...

snuph said...

anyone else strongly boubt?