Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Starting back

Hey Noobz,

So, I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday time. Just checking in for when we are starting back... and I'm thinking the 2nd of Feb looks good. The week before is Australia Day, and I think Mick is away then anyway (?).

So, have a look at you diaries and see if you can start back then!

Also just want to add how much I love playing GW with you guys. We talk about how its a bargain as far as entertainment value goes (and it is) but its also a regular catch up and just generally good fun (which I don't think it would be with a bigger guild - or worse, no guild at all!).

So, thanks for the mamories... (yes, I did it on purpose).


snuph said...

i think that works for me
sounds goooooood

Michael said...

I can't wait either!

CP said...

ok, tonight is the big night! i am on!