Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Smite as well have the best

In the grand trinity of monks i have dunkora set up as a healer, tallyorka set up as a protector and ogden stonehealer set up as a smiter. I have 2 builds saved for him, but am about to list one that is listed as "good" on pvx. Its listed as being good for party support as well as damage.
here goes...

Smiting 12 + 3 +1
Divine Favor 12 + 1
Protection prayers 3 (could plus one if you can be bothered)
1 - ELITE Defender's Zeal
for great energy management - really energy deprival is a monks worst enemy
2 - Smiter's Boon
Get a bonus from divine favour
3 - Smite Hex
Hex removal with damage to nearby foes... and... the divine favor bonus is helpful!
4 - Smite Condition
As above but for conditions, adding to the supporty goodness
5 - Reversal of Damage
the smiting monks bread and butter... kinda like a protection spell, but gives the damage back to where it came from.
6 - Castigation Signet
Bit of damage, bit more energy management.
7 - Divine Boon
This is a great enchantment, can be a bit energy draining though... but 1 and 6 counter that.
8 - Rebirth
A hard rez... and the only reason i have points in protection

I reckon we should try using 2 of these guys and one healer. Could be an interesting change...
Or... try a normal healer, a smiter and a ritualist? (or even a paragon)
or scrap the normal healer all together and go rt, p and smiter???

the other variant i have loaded is the same build with a Ritualist secondary. Dropping 6 and 7 and replacing them with ancestor's rage and splinter weapon (so its a little more aggressive).

1 comment:

AndrewWrites said...

Consider it stolen...er, I mean...used.