Saturday, 20 September 2008

igneous summoning stone

/bonus on any character and you will recieve an igneous summoning stone.
it can only be used by characters under level 20.
it will summon a level (whatever you are) fire imp, that wont be a hero, but will apear as an ally
once you use the stone, it takes 1 hour to recharge.
the imp lasts for an hour UNLESS IT DIES - then you have to wait for the rest of the recharge time to get it again.
If you're about to level up, its best to wait to summon him, so you get a stronger imp
the full wiki article on this creature can be found here

1 comment:

snuph said...

the other thing i forgot to mention is that you can only have 1 in a party at a time. But if we are working together and mine dies, then you can summon yours and so forth...