Monday, 18 August 2008

the obligatory whats on this week post

everyone in for tommorrooww?

we up to the charr quests?
im pumped - once we're through them, i can progress in the game.

we can also start on things like - skills quests, mini-games, and getting all the heroes.


CP said...

yep, im in

AndrewWrites said...

Yeah, really looking forward to tomorrow night. I'd like to kick off as early as possible. We seem to be fadeing fast these days and a sleepy-Mick is a bad thing, as certain replayed missions have shown us!

CP said...

im good for 8:30pm syd time if you guys are up for it?

snuph said...

i think i'll take off early this week, and try and be home round 8.30

get started without me though! please, thats fine, i've already done this bit

AndrewWrites said...

Sounds good to me, I will be on at 8pm SA time. Catch you boys then!