Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Reputation... its everything

yo... yall

check this out
this weekend we can earn double points in norn, asura, deldrimor and ebon vanguard.
i think this is a nice way to gently sneak into EotN. Can probably open a bit of the map too...

not to tell you how to play the game copland, but... the norn would probably be the most useful for you. a higher rank in this will increase effectiveness of norn skills, which are all pretty good for warriors.

i cant do saturday night, but could do a couple of hours late on friday... i hope we can get in then - i could maybe do sunday night though... we'll see
when can you all do, and is it cool?


AndrewWrites said...

Yeah, Friday night is a go-er for me. Just give me a call and we can talk about times. Saturday night is out, but Sunday night is a possibility. I have church until about 8:30 SA time.

Anyway, Friday night for sure and we'll talk about the rest from there.

snuph said...

I just realised that 12pm US Pacific means 5am our time. So we will probably have to wait until sunday night

snuph said...

darrr again
i just got called up for a shift on sunday night, so i'm out!
i will probably jump on for an hour or a little more tonight when i get home from the footy.
let me know if you're in and i'll text you when im getting on - probably 10.30 my time.