Wednesday, 11 June 2008

My bad

Once again, sorry for Tuesday night. I just didn't have my head screwed on. Hopefully next Tuesday will be better, unless you guys want to start nominating days to have a crack before then? Thursday night anyone? Maybe next Monday?

What do you think?


CP said...

hey man, no probs its all was juts one of those nights alround. Dont fret too much...i am not sure about if i can get on another night i will have to ee how we go...maybe monday is a possibility? Cheers Mick dont worry mate.

AndrewWrites said...

No worries Dude...seriously.

I'm totally up for trying to do it again some other night. Either Thursday or Monday works fine for me, and possibly other nights too.

Let me know what the plan is. No worries about last night. We know we can know it over in about half an hour whenever we need to now.

snuph said...

i have a web development meeting tonight, but i should be home around 830 or 9.

monday is fine also.
