Saturday, 26 April 2008

Competition - Margonite Masks

Hey all,
I would like to announce a new competition.

Who - I'm running it, and its for our Guild
What - Whoever has the most Margonite Masks wins - you get to keep the masks - no matter who wins.
When - Ending on May 31 - must post a screenshot by then
How - Farming - be honest and dont buy heaps just to win (I'm probably the only one of us who would actually do that anyways).
Why - Margonite Masks are dropped in some of the awesome LB/SS farming Locations - encouragement to get those titles cranked up. The best one can be found here - its hard mode, so we need to help mick finish the game to make it fair.

The Prize - 5k and a Chiggen's Shortbow and... the winner will become our inaugural bearer of the title - Collector of Stuff - man i wish there was a way for guilds to give titles to people.

I will be competing, and if I win, I keep the prize.
This competition is only open to members of Noobz With Attitude (NWA). If you have a problem with that, my uncle works for ArenaNet, so I'll get you kicked - lolz.