Monday, 18 February 2008

The Stamp is Back!!

That's right, The Stamp is back... with a vengence!! Didn't realise how much I had missed playing, but once I took ol' Stampy out for a run, it all came flooding back (except I'd forgotten a few menu shortcuts and also where I was up to).

So, anyway, let me know when you guys are good to go. Tuesday nights should be ok for me, except once a month I have a board meeting, so I might just be a bit late that night. Or another night if you would prefer?

At the moment I'm probably going to spend my time getting The Stamp out there a bit on the Cantha map, and also skill capping for Cantha, as it is the only area of the 3 that I have not finished. Also, there's Nathaniel the Judge to finish, and my Dervish could use some quality time. As well as all that I STILL have not made my way to EOTN yet, but I would like to finish the Factions Campaign before I do.

As much as I have a lot to do, its certainly more fun doing it with you guys... so leave a message and let me know when the Noobz ride again!!

1 comment:

snuph said...

after having a very small play the other day i think i wont recapture the passion til i'm on with you guys again. then i may try and get thru some of the nightfall masters i need, and get back into eotn.