Monday, 30 July 2007

Collector of Dye - Inter Guild Title

I have decided to crteate a title for our own little guild, called the "Collector of Dye". I guess its pretty obvious, but here is how it works.

Different colours of dye will be allocated points. We all add up our dye points and whoever has the most points is the "Collector of Dye". You can challenge at any point for the title - and if you beat the current champion then the losing champion has to give the new winner something (e.g. 200g, a cool rare item, a nice weapon). It is up to the losing champion to decide what they wish to give to the new champion - but please note - uncool gifts make you an uncool champion.

So, I suggest we add up what we have and post our total points, and I will be happy to give the gift for the Inaugural Anatomy of Death, Collector of Dye Competition.

The Points System...

Black/White Dye - 10 points

Silver Dye - 8 points

Red/Blue/Yellow/Purple Dye - 5 points

Orange/Brown/Green Dye - 3 points

Gray Dye - 1 point

Let the games begin!!!


snuph said...

sounds good...
i cant log in so my point wont be up til tomorrow...

i do have a feeling that we're all going down to mick though.

just a point of clarification - this is an intra-guild competition... if it was inter-guild it would against other guilds.

signed captain pedantic

CP said...

captain meadhead more like it....that is the catergory after captain pedantic!
I am sure mick will smash us all!

snuph said...

i didnt want people thinking that we were versing other guilds!?!

one more comment
200g or a rare item... come on man - 200g is like giving someone a meat tray for a wedding present. i have some spare greens lying round, and i'm not afraid to dish em out.

is there any rule on buying dyes to boost your total?

CP said...

I feel it should only be dropped dyes....this helpes to keep the playing field a little more even. Otherwise the term moneybags could replace meathead or pedantic! :o)
Peace gangstas