As you are all aware, the title I have been most seriously pursuing is the Tyrian Cartographer (Explorer) title. I have always thought that I'd get to about 80% and then bail on it, however, I have continued to sense the call to run, to explore new lands...to be free!
However, surely not 100%, I thought to myself, no one could really expect to get that (Grandmaster Cartographer). Then I read this on GuildWiki...
To gain the Grandmaster Cartographer title, a character does not need to explore every single point on the map. Some margin of error is allowed. As a result, even though some characters may never be able to access some portions of the map, they may still earn 100% explored. Unreachable zones would most likely be arenas that have been rendered inaccessible due to a game update (such as Fort Koga) or due to level limits (such as the Shing Jea Arena) but may also be training areas for characters local to the continent (such as Monastery Overlook which is only explorable for non-Canthan characters during the Dragon Festival and special weekend events). Again, these zones do count towards those who revealed them, but they do not make it impossible for those who cannot to obtain the grandmaster title.
Glory, hallelujah!!!
As I continued my search, I stumbled across this interesting fact...
Legendary Cartographer is a title, that you can display for prestige.
It is awarded per character for completely exploring all three maps of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona.
"You have earned Legendary Cartographer, which is the highest rank within the Legendary Cartographer Title Track."
It is awarded per character for completely exploring all three maps of Tyria, Cantha, and Elona.
"You have earned Legendary Cartographer, which is the highest rank within the Legendary Cartographer Title Track."
Now THAT sounds like a challenge. I guess its part of the awesome-ness of GW. Just when you think its all coming to an end, they up the stakes and raise the bar. So, I have committed to work towards this title of Legendary Cartographer (I don't recall ever seeing a player with it, though I'm sure there must be, obviously!). It'll take a lot of time and effort, but its something I really enjoy just chipping away at.
In case you are wondering, my current scores are:
Tyrian Explorer 80%
Elonian Explorer 20%
Canthan Explorer about 3%
For more info, check out the wiki page here
you go girl!
oh and you might want to get cracking... there may well be a 4th element to that grandmaster title (EN). Who knows though, they may be just like the catacombs, sorrows furnace, the underground etc.. and not count towards titles...
there WILL be other titles to go for though... oh I cant wait
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