Wednesday, 22 July 2009


Hey guys, the last few weeks have been a bit up in the air. I know I've had a few issues to deal with, school holidays and other stuff. Things come up and that's fair enough. We're all pretty busy.

I'm just letting you know I'm still really excited to get back into things. I'm going to use my paragon to go into maps just to load them before Tuesday, so that I don't waste time. THAT's how keen I am!

Sunday, 12 July 2009


Yes, I'm out, for this Tuesday. But the good news is I'm giving early notice so think of what you guys want to do on Tuesday, while I'm in Grafton.

Oh, a few days ago i went farming and got 5 gold drops in 2 runs!

Saturday, 4 July 2009

a thorn in my side

Gandara - the moon fortress
i reckon i tried to vanquish it 20 times - really low numbers - 65-120, but i just couldn't beat this one mob - seriously - 20 kournans all at once!!

i read wiki again
the quest thorn in varesh's side
hadn't been completed
did it in normal mode
and vanquished the area after that in about 20 minutes
glad its done

should have read wiki better first 20 times thru!!

Friday, 3 July 2009

mark of pain and why i love it

tonight i pulled out an old build that revolves around curses
and yes... spiteful spirit is the elite - it is an amazing skill and i love it too
mark of pain, is just awesome
if you want to see those damge numbers fly, use it, and use it well and your screen will be full of minuses!! so good
target a central foe, get everything else to attack it (minions included) and man, it's amazing
so copland
give it a burl big fella
i love it
team it up with barbs, ss, and parisitic bond (as a self heal) - just some of my faves there

triple necro vanquishing build

i figure i better write this down somewhere - like here
I've found this triple necro build to be very effective
it's me, 3 necro heroes, earth magic henchie, fire magic henchie, monk henchie and warrior henchie.
Found you guys that play warriors, i'd consider using something different as your extra member - maybe a mesmer, or ranger... up to you to figure that one out

in each case they are somewhat unusual builds, but seem to work - i normally use a minion master with flesh golem and healing prayers - both of these are missing in this build, and olias is basically a ritualist - but that necro sgnet makes a big difference...

here's the builds (and who i use for them) in each case the elite is listed first.

Master of Whispers
N/Rt Curses 12+3+1, Soul Reaping 12+1, Restoration Magic 3
Spiteful Spirit, Reckless Haste, Enfeebling Blood, Barbs, Rip Enchantment, Mark of Pain, Signet of Lost Souls, Death Pact Signet

N/Rt Soul Reaping 8+1+1, Restoration Magic 12, Channeling Magic 10
Weapon of Remedy, Splinter Weapon, Mend Body and Soul, Spirit Light, Protective Was Kaolai, Life, Signet of Lost Souls, Death Pact Signet

N/Mo Death Magic 12+3+1, Soul Reaping 8+1, Protection Prayers 9
Jagged Bones, Animate Bone Minions, Death Nova, Blood of the Master, Extinguish, Protective Spirit, Aegis, Signet of Lost Souls

Thursday, 2 July 2009

A weapon for all seasons.

So, Ian just posted a bit about his armor stuff. I figured I'd do the same re: weapons.

Since The Grateful Red is the first caster I've really gotten into I'm a bit excited by the weapon possibilities. I've decided to fill up each of my weapon slots with a gold or green item in each of the different spell disciplines (death magic, blood magic, soul reaping and curses).

So far, thanks to some generosity from you guys and a few bucks here and there I'm already doing pretty well, and am on my way to having a stacked weapons cache.

Now I've just got to learn how the bloody spells work!

good to go - armor me up

today i spent a ridiculous amount of gold - i am now back below 10k

i decided to have a look at dervish armor, and get ready to be able to craft it as soon as we get to the docks - and then dye it as soon as i've bought it! i decided to go against spending a ridiculous amount on armor and going for elite - so it only costs 5k plus materials (and yes i still have 5k)

if you're interested i'm going for Istani armor which you can check out here
and there is a fair bit of coin invested in dye... i always like to put in the effort.

don't mess with the dragon... my pants

dragon festival this weekend boys
beetle racing!
do it