sometimes you find a great build, but don't have the skills for it. so... if you don't have all these skills either dont both with it, or try hero skills trainers, see what you can come up with etc...
who knows...
the thing with mesmers is that they can do a bunch of things well - including sucking the energy out of a team, shutting down casters with interupts, shutting down melee among other things.
Heres a few links to builds i found that would be worth trying on norgu and/or gwen.
this first one is a power block interrupter build. its meant to shut down casters and well - it'll do a fantastic job at that. If you're doing the standard Ctrl + space to target whatever your hitting, you'll have problems against warriors, dervishes, assasins, rangers and even some ritualists. Most of these interrupts work on chants, so they will shut down paragons. If you're in a team with others of us (or PUGS) and want to ignore targets and chase the casters, this will work - or - if you're trying to shut down a caster boss this will work. Other than that I'd steer clear of this one.
this one is one of many MoR (or
Mantra of Recovery) builds - MoR helps your skills recharge quicker - so you can spam them (basically) . This one has an interrupt focus, but its not all it does - i quite like the mix here really. 2 spell interrupts, 1 general interrupt (will interrupt anything) then empathy which is a good skills to use on warriors etc, remove hex, drain enchantment and a res. What I like about this build on a hero is that it can do many different things at once - which would generally be too much for a human player (or me) to wrap their head around - i can handle melee shutdown and interrupts, but not anti-hex, anti-enchantment too. So, give this one a burl methinx.
here's another MoR build. This one focuses more on melee with 2 handy interrupts. I'd give it a monk secondary, replace res sig with a hard res and put remove hex in the optional slot.
here's the
ineptitude spammer i've been using lately. great for just messing with warriors etc. I'd think about adding another interupt or enchantment removal or hex removal.
one last one is
here - a little more balanced - i know i couldn't use this, but i think its a decent balanced option for a hero. its interesting, thats for sure.
if you have the skills, i'd try number 2 or 3. 5 could be interesting. 1 and 4 are more specific (1 - caster. 4 - melee). If you want to tell your heroes what to attack, try them
hope this has been helpful.