Monday, 18 February 2008

The Stamp is Back!!

That's right, The Stamp is back... with a vengence!! Didn't realise how much I had missed playing, but once I took ol' Stampy out for a run, it all came flooding back (except I'd forgotten a few menu shortcuts and also where I was up to).

So, anyway, let me know when you guys are good to go. Tuesday nights should be ok for me, except once a month I have a board meeting, so I might just be a bit late that night. Or another night if you would prefer?

At the moment I'm probably going to spend my time getting The Stamp out there a bit on the Cantha map, and also skill capping for Cantha, as it is the only area of the 3 that I have not finished. Also, there's Nathaniel the Judge to finish, and my Dervish could use some quality time. As well as all that I STILL have not made my way to EOTN yet, but I would like to finish the Factions Campaign before I do.

As much as I have a lot to do, its certainly more fun doing it with you guys... so leave a message and let me know when the Noobz ride again!!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

wake me up when november ends

its been a long time between posts.
for the sake of nostalgia, and little more, i flicked thru the blog tonight and was sturck by how interesting november was.
It all fell apart in november.

I guess we had a number of things
1 - i chucked a big spack (which may or may not have been waranted)
2 - mick had reports
3 - assignments were due
4 - computers stopped working (due to the internet connections they were plugged into being ablaze - or was this december?)
5 - titles were achieved - some big ones from both copland and i.
6 - i dunno about you guys, but i was just a bit guild wared out.

so... having said all this i hopped on yesterday to notice the most recent person on was Dave - what an irony! I started thinking a little about new builds to get me pumped about playing again - and i think i may try to throw my paragon round to buff you warriors? anyways...

looking forward to getting back into tuesdays (i think it will be the best?)
thought of when to start would be great