Saturday 21 November 2009


Hey guys. Sorry forgot to mention on Tuesday night that I'll be away this week. Heading down the coast for a week with the family.

So, if Caine can miss next week I think we will have a full set, right?

Sorry again.

Monday 12 October 2009

I will raise you one Sunspear Maxed Title!

Here it is people, a tidy little Title for the Trophy room.

Friday 9 October 2009


After many hours of boredom
(and minesweeper in the background)
I've finally gotten the two titles I wanted.

All that farming had another reward.... check out the gold!
Individual characters can only hold 100 plats, storage can hold more.

Friday 18 September 2009

when will gw 2 be released?

Ian - May 2011
Copland - Dec 2010
Caine - Feb 2011
Mick - Nov 2010

Thursday 3 September 2009

Guild Wars 2

I'm excited about Guild Wars 2!

Also, reminding you I'm out this Tuesday 8 September.

Friday 14 August 2009

Monday 10 August 2009

This Tuesday

I should be ready to go by 8:45pm.

Who's in?!?

Wednesday 22 July 2009


Hey guys, the last few weeks have been a bit up in the air. I know I've had a few issues to deal with, school holidays and other stuff. Things come up and that's fair enough. We're all pretty busy.

I'm just letting you know I'm still really excited to get back into things. I'm going to use my paragon to go into maps just to load them before Tuesday, so that I don't waste time. THAT's how keen I am!

Sunday 12 July 2009


Yes, I'm out, for this Tuesday. But the good news is I'm giving early notice so think of what you guys want to do on Tuesday, while I'm in Grafton.

Oh, a few days ago i went farming and got 5 gold drops in 2 runs!

Saturday 4 July 2009

a thorn in my side

Gandara - the moon fortress
i reckon i tried to vanquish it 20 times - really low numbers - 65-120, but i just couldn't beat this one mob - seriously - 20 kournans all at once!!

i read wiki again
the quest thorn in varesh's side
hadn't been completed
did it in normal mode
and vanquished the area after that in about 20 minutes
glad its done

should have read wiki better first 20 times thru!!

Friday 3 July 2009

mark of pain and why i love it

tonight i pulled out an old build that revolves around curses
and yes... spiteful spirit is the elite - it is an amazing skill and i love it too
mark of pain, is just awesome
if you want to see those damge numbers fly, use it, and use it well and your screen will be full of minuses!! so good
target a central foe, get everything else to attack it (minions included) and man, it's amazing
so copland
give it a burl big fella
i love it
team it up with barbs, ss, and parisitic bond (as a self heal) - just some of my faves there

triple necro vanquishing build

i figure i better write this down somewhere - like here
I've found this triple necro build to be very effective
it's me, 3 necro heroes, earth magic henchie, fire magic henchie, monk henchie and warrior henchie.
Found you guys that play warriors, i'd consider using something different as your extra member - maybe a mesmer, or ranger... up to you to figure that one out

in each case they are somewhat unusual builds, but seem to work - i normally use a minion master with flesh golem and healing prayers - both of these are missing in this build, and olias is basically a ritualist - but that necro sgnet makes a big difference...

here's the builds (and who i use for them) in each case the elite is listed first.

Master of Whispers
N/Rt Curses 12+3+1, Soul Reaping 12+1, Restoration Magic 3
Spiteful Spirit, Reckless Haste, Enfeebling Blood, Barbs, Rip Enchantment, Mark of Pain, Signet of Lost Souls, Death Pact Signet

N/Rt Soul Reaping 8+1+1, Restoration Magic 12, Channeling Magic 10
Weapon of Remedy, Splinter Weapon, Mend Body and Soul, Spirit Light, Protective Was Kaolai, Life, Signet of Lost Souls, Death Pact Signet

N/Mo Death Magic 12+3+1, Soul Reaping 8+1, Protection Prayers 9
Jagged Bones, Animate Bone Minions, Death Nova, Blood of the Master, Extinguish, Protective Spirit, Aegis, Signet of Lost Souls

Thursday 2 July 2009

A weapon for all seasons.

So, Ian just posted a bit about his armor stuff. I figured I'd do the same re: weapons.

Since The Grateful Red is the first caster I've really gotten into I'm a bit excited by the weapon possibilities. I've decided to fill up each of my weapon slots with a gold or green item in each of the different spell disciplines (death magic, blood magic, soul reaping and curses).

So far, thanks to some generosity from you guys and a few bucks here and there I'm already doing pretty well, and am on my way to having a stacked weapons cache.

Now I've just got to learn how the bloody spells work!

good to go - armor me up

today i spent a ridiculous amount of gold - i am now back below 10k

i decided to have a look at dervish armor, and get ready to be able to craft it as soon as we get to the docks - and then dye it as soon as i've bought it! i decided to go against spending a ridiculous amount on armor and going for elite - so it only costs 5k plus materials (and yes i still have 5k)

if you're interested i'm going for Istani armor which you can check out here
and there is a fair bit of coin invested in dye... i always like to put in the effort.

don't mess with the dragon... my pants

dragon festival this weekend boys
beetle racing!
do it

Monday 29 June 2009

Zaishen Bounty

Those clever chaps at Zaishen have found a way to wrap coconut in chocolate...
not that kind of bounty...

At Great Temple of Balthazar, there are 3 flags - each with a different Zaishen quest. I've been getting into the Zaishen bounty quests. Each day they give you a new boss to go kill - some are easy, some are ridiculous - and you get cool rewards.

Trying to save up some of the coins they give you, and buy an elite tome - i have 305 copper zaishen coins - i need 2000 for an elite tome... but there are other things i can already afford
check it out anyways, i like the new elements of the game

Nicholas the Traveler

On my random browsing through guildwiki this week, following one link to another, learning a whole lot about nothing and everything all at once, i stumbled across a fine fellow by the name of Nicholas the Traveler. What I soon learnt was that he shows up in a different location every week, and well, thanx to our good friends at GuildWiki, they listed the location.

He's a collector of sorts. And after I gave him 5 rolls of parchment - costing 180 gold each, he gave me a gift of the traveler. Upon opening it, I discover 5 mysterious summong stones. Like Mick's igneous summong stone, these will apprently bring up an ally - that lasts for 60 minutes, or until dead. So I'll give them a burl and see how we go next time we're on.
Check it all out anyways... a bit random, but certainly interesting

Friday 19 June 2009

Monday 15 June 2009

Wednesday 10 June 2009

wish list

hey all - if you have any of these things (or find them) i'm looking for them...

inscription "guided by fate"
any scythe snathes - particularly fiery, ebon or shocking
scyth grips of fortitude, devotion or defense

windwalker insignias
blessed insignias

Monday 8 June 2009


I have this 'friend' who might be interested in doing some farming, let's say for sunspear points, perhaps even lightbringer points, and items to sell to help out a lower level character. Where might be a good place to go? For my 'friend'?

Sunday 7 June 2009

Get some...!

Saturday 6 June 2009


Were we meant to do the command training for homework before next Tuesday?

Friday 5 June 2009

A little piece of Ian in every church...

This is the exit sign over one of the doors at Croydon Park Church.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

fantastic start

really happy with our efforts last night!
tops work all
i hope i have the same joy as the levels go up!?!

Tuesday 2 June 2009

the advice rule

so... i need to ask
how much advice can we give or receive
i'm thinking it's probably best if we just give advice if it's asked for
so... i will try to hold off on telling you guys how to ele or necro, unless you want help
i have decided on my character - you can see tonight

does that sound ok

oh just an opinion... i think it would be best if you both went monk secondaries... is that cool... mesmer works well for both of those though!!

Monday 1 June 2009

the PVX yardstick?

go to builds on pvx wiki
go to great general PvE builds

you will find great builds for each class... here's the amount... (I'm saying the more builds they list, the more flexibility) and good builds is the second number i've listed...

15/6 - Necromancer
9/3 - Mesmer
8/3 - Ritualist
7/2 - Dervish
7/5 - Elementalist
6/2 - Warrior
6/7 - Monk
5/5 - Ranger
4/1 - Assassin
1/0 - Paragon

does this make sense...
basically - assassin and especially paragon dont have mush written on them when it comes to PvE... much better for PvP... If we go Nightfall then Ritualist is out... Fair enough we steer clear of mesmer, cause i know it ridiculously well and would be a pain in everyone's butt... so... i think i may go dervish... just don't know how i'll handle the close in side of it... i do love helping out, and standing back at a distance...

oh and i think necro, ele and warrior are all good choices for you guys.... unless i can go necro...? i dont know!?!?!?!?

Saturday 30 May 2009

team builds

after a conversation with copland and caine on this i think we need to change the approach

what would be a perfect team
what would it have?

then, we'll work out who will play who

i reckon...
fire ele
meatshield (warrior / dervish / paragon - yes there is a way a para can do this)
minion master
necro (SS or other)

then extras???
like a paragon, mesmer (yes i agree i would drive everyone nuts if they were mesmers) other ele, ranger (but i dont want to and imagine we've all done this enough)

personally i'd be keen on
ritualist (but i dont think we're going for factions)
ele (other than fire - done that)
paragon (never really played with you guys with it, and i reckon that would be awesome to have anothery)

Don't want to be an Ass!

Well, I figured since we were talking about it I would quickly post what profession I DON'T want to be, an Assassin.

Assassins to be are just weaker versions of warriors, with crappy weapons and dodgy armor. I know, I know I'm probably not playing them properly. And a few times in PVP I have been totally handled by the odd Assassin - but I just have no passion or respect for them.

Oh, and when you break down their name it spells ass ass in... hmm.

What would I like to play?

Well, I'm not sure, but I wouldn't mind having a go at one of the casting professions (oh, please NOT mesmer - can I have 2 requests to not play a profession?). I don't think I could handle Ian telling me what to do all the time.

When it comes to what I currently have at level 20 there's: 2 Warriors (The Stamp and Cim Spleenstaker) and a ranger (Nathaniel the Judge) and that's all.

Would love to hear from you boys on this...

Friday 29 May 2009

Michael and the Walls of Insanity

On Tuesday night as we were finishing up I quickly grabbed my video camera and shot a few seconds of the revealed map at the end of the game Mick and I were playing. Have a look at the crazy walls, and check out the random group of dudes he had just hanging around in the NW corner.

I will point out, however, for all the craziness, Mick kicked my butt both times!

Mick's team was green, mine was pink.

Saturday 23 May 2009

Noob News

I was watching Good Game last night and they reported that the word 'Noob' might be the 1 Millionth word in the dictionary.

A word has to be used by media and social networks more that 25,000 times to be declared a word that needs to be included in the dictionary. Other words that might get in include 'defriend' and 'defollow'... I'd say its pretty safe to assume the internet is catching on then, based on this news.

Follow the count down clock here,

Come on Noob!!

Tuesday 19 May 2009

New Game!

We need a new game, I like Age of Empires but it is too frustrating! I am going to check out Warcraft 3 which I already own (somewhere?). Not sure how much it would be to buy. Ideas?

Monday 4 May 2009

AoE3: info spot - home cities

So I thought I'd do a little research, and put up some posts of the most useful things i found.

Most of what I'm putting up for now comes from a guide i found and was written for single player, so keep that in mind

Home Cities
You can choose cards from five different areas of your Home City by clicking between the five tabs on the upper left of the lower window. I played the game all the way through without realising this, and the only cards I picked were the ones on whichever tab was open at the time.

The more experience you pick up during the levels, the faster your Home City will advance and the more cards you will be able to choose from. Try to complete as many secondary objectives as you can; also explore as much of the maps as possible, and pick up the treasure items. Killing off more than just the required enemy buildings and units is another good way to get your points up. It all helps.

The game makes a big deal about picking the cards to suit your own playing style and civilization, but this is bollocks. A lot of the cards pick themselves. It should be obvious that a card which gives you two falconets is better than a card which increases the speed at which villagers gather food from hunting. Since every building and upgrade in the game exists to provide you with units with which to defeat your enemy, always go with the free units cards first. The Fort and Factory cards are extremely valuable too.

Thursday 30 April 2009


i just sent you all a text about the plan

age of empires 3 - copland will buy them, just put the cash in his account

the big question
when will we do this
let me start the ball rolling by saying that I have a small group at my house every other wednesday night, so that's no good for me. Thursday is probably not the best either...

in order of preference i'd go...


cool... lets get a consensus, get the game, and get rollin'

Saturday 25 April 2009

hello, old friend?

hey peoples...

it would appear as though our old friend, guild wars, may well have thrown its hat into the ring to be considered - at least in the short term, if not the long...

here is the announcement and release of the 4 year anniversary content
check it

things to note...

the big one is the new zaishen quests
each day there will be 3 new quests (but you can only have 3 uncompleted ones in your quest log at once)
cool rewards are on offer

there are also some other cool things like
extra storage
a new pet menagerie
ability to makeover characters
upgrades to the hall of monuments

anyways... it may be enough to respark interest
check it

Saturday 18 April 2009

Gettinbg back into it...

Hey boys!

So, I've spoken to Caine and Ian about getting back into some sort of game.

The game I'd really like to try is called Fallen Earth, a post-apocalyptic sand box game, that is yet to be released. It'd be nice to get in on the ground floor of a game. The only problem is that it has no posted release date - could be any time???

The other idea I had was to play Age of Empires online against each other. Its a simple game, not too expensive and it'd be fun to try it, I reckon.
